I am sorting through things lately. Not just stuff, but my life in general. Trying to define what this phase of living is going to be about. In the cycle of Maiden, Mother and Crone, I am now in Crone.
The previous two phases where fabulous, but I am unsure as to the path to follow in the last one.
A path I have every intention of defining myself. The last two phases had too much of "others" involved and dependent upon, to be entirely mine.
But this one, this last phase, this is all mine. And I intent to LIVE it. That being said, knitting brings much joy to my life, as does the writing of a good mystery. The knitting will remain my semi-private indulgence, but the writing will become public. It is a dream I have had for ages and am now undertaking with a vengence. Writing classes have begun along with manditory sessions were my butt is in a chair and my brain is engaged in the tedious process of page after page after page of what can only be explained as pure fear, not for my characters, but me. Oh, the fear! What if I fail? Fail? Hell, what if I succeed? That is almost more frightening. But as with everything I have ever done, there comes a point were you just say "Fuck it" I am jumping in with both feet. I will learn as I go and "I ... will... win." Here goes.........................splash!