Friday, September 28, 2007

Nifty Mags


These were sent to me by some lovely person.

A note was attached, but no name. 

It could be my SP11 spoiler, but I am not sure. 

Whomever it is...........I love it!

These are vintage issues from classic old Mags.  Included in one, were handwritten notes. 

Pretty Cool.

Old Mags

Have a great day.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Where is the knitting......

When you figure it out, do let me know.  It's not as if I'm not knitting, just exploring other stuff as well.  Like cooking!  Who knew an empty nest meant freedom from short order chef life?  Hello!

Coq Au Vin

From this.............................

Coq Au Vin prep

to this................................

Coq Au Vin done

Thank you Julia Child, you lovely woman.

Have a great day.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Ravelry YES!

Me on Ravelry

It's official.  I am now on Ravelry.

Does anything else matter?  I just have to figure out how to run it from my PDA.

It only took me a day to figure out I needed to join the ravelholics anonymous group, straight away.

If you haven't put yourself on the waiting list yet, do.  Ravelry is amazing.

Have a great day.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Random Thoughts........


5x8 life

RT#1.  5x8 index cards are the glue holding my world together.  I use them for everything.  Notes, lists, bookmarks, project/chapter outlines, paper plates, in a pinch.

RT#2.  Target is the western equivalent of Mecca.  I swear I go there 5 times a day (some days) and everyone should make the journey as least once in their life. 

RT#3.  Sewing is not for wimps.   Damned dangerous affair.  Cutters, needles and irons.  A girl could get seriously hurt!

RT#4.  Laundry rooms should be bigger!  With tables! And Cupboards! 

But, most of all...................on the same floor as the bedrooms!

RT#5.  96 days till Christmas.  KNIT!


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Stuff I Do/Love.........



Tomato Salad and homemade crackers


Queen Cakes


Shrimp Tacos with black bean Salsa and

Pineapple Water


Craft time with the Grandbabies


My Big lovely bed!


Harvest time - Could it really be Autumn?

Have a Great Day!